Our new Baby Mini Tour is scheduled within the existing your. Choose from 1 or 2 day options. Designed for the beginner or those who need a refresher - all are welcome.

Our class size is limited to 10 people per class.

We are firming up exact location dates and will let registered students know exact location in our private Facebook group.

Tickets are non refundable.
You can sell your seat if you can not make it.

Day One


Lunch provided

Equipment needed: camera - batteries - memory card - lens

We suggest a lens that has a range such as 24-70mm however if you have a fixed lens that is ok too, just bring what you have.

Day Two Optional Hands On


Lunch provided

Equipment needed: camera - batteries - memory card - lens

We suggest a lens that has a range such as 24-70mm however if you have a fixed lens that is ok too, just bring what you have.

Students are broken into two groups, one group is led by Ana Brandt and the other group is led by a Certified Trainer. Both groups will be in the same room so that Ana can observe and help everyone.

Day one is required to attend Day two.

Day One Agenda

830 am registration/swag bag

9am - demonstration of newborn session from start to finish with workflow explanations, lighting lessons and safety tips reinforced. Students will watch the session and a quick edit of the session.

12pm - lunch - Q&A - Newborn Business Discussion

1pm - second newborn is brought in and Ana will pose and guide each student to photograph the poses Ana creates.

3pm - Client overview/prep/studio design

4pm - Marketing / Resources

Day Two Agenda

830 am registration

9am - First newborn comes in. Students will take turns wrapping and posing the newborn. Images are captured in both sessions by all students.

12pm - lunch - critique

1pm - second newborn is brought in students will take turns wrapping and posing the newborn. Images are captured in both sessions by all students.

4pm - Q&A/wrap up

Baby Mini Tour
from $900.00